IDEAL LIFE: Three Steps

picture of an IDEAL sign on a cattle tank with blooming tulips in front

Is there such a thing as an ideal life? What would be some potential measures? One could be mind-body wellness. Another could be economic stability. Quality home and workplace environments may be another. Last but not least would be loving relationships with self, significant other, family and friends. You, of course, may change your list and/or add other measures.

Perhaps it is too easy to peer over our short wall of separation to see others who may appear to have the ideal life. They might seem to be beautiful fitness gurus who own a mansion and a yacht in lovely environments with many perfect relationships.

In our world of contrasts we have those who may have never had a chance at an ideal life. With compassion, we also see those who have never been blessed with a healthy mind and body or a job to put food on the table. They’ve had neither a home in which to lay their head , nor loving relationships to nurture them.

Most of us are probably somewhere in the middle on the ideal life scale. What can we do to inch our way closer to what we consider our own ideal life?

Sometimes with our biggest life challenge comes our grandest answer. My most difficult time in life was when our son was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Through recounting my journey, I found what worked for me. It could be summarized with the abbreviation ACL. A is for accept, C is for change and L stands for learn.

Accept for an Ideal Life

To accept some situations in our life is not always easy. Sometimes it can be an initial step in the process. Many times, however, acceptance may come as a last step. Each situation is unique.


Change involves doing whatever is in your power to improve the situation(s). It could be one big change or many small ones. This doesn’t mean pointing fingers at others. It actually involves you! What can you change? You are far more powerful than you may realize until you try! My post, Empty Chair Holidays, mentions some changes I made to cope with the holidays.


Learn is my favorite step! Perhaps it is the teacher in me! What can you learn to help you in this situation? How can you apply the knowledge? Finally, what did you learn from the process? (Just because I stated finally doesn’t mean we are ever done with learning!)

Through my learning journey I’ve taken with our son’s health and passing, I feel as if I earned at least a second bachelor’s degree. Here are a few tidbits.

  • Your biggest challenge in life is more than likely tied to what you came to learn as a human being.
  • Focus on the good rather than the bad; where the healing is rather than the pain.
  • The state of being grateful actually creates more delicious gratitude!
  • Helping yourself is great. If your life helps others, that’s even better!

I see the wisdom behind the atrocities we experience on earth. At first my spirit was inclined to groan. Now, I feel my spirit has grown through tragedy, but it does leave cracks. Thankfully the light shines through.

May you find the light!

Published by Linda M. Wolfe

Midwestern mystic with varying amounts of mother, teacher, artist, seeker

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