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Education and Healing Categories

Learning from Nature

Learning from nature can greatly enhance our life experience. I am grateful that I grew up close to nature. As an adult, I still continually connect to the out of doors and ponder what lessons are there for the learning! Here are ten quotes which echo many of my thoughts of what connecting to nature…

Why Teach Visual Arts?

Visual art, vocal music and physical education have been called specials within the elementary school where I taught for thirty years. All of these subjects are vital for educating a well rounded child. I do agree they are special, but I personally prefer the word essential. This article will focus on the visual arts as…

Arts Grief Relief

Have you ever felt you were dancing in grief? Or, it could be singing in grief, painting in grief or writing in grief. Perhaps it could be listening in grief. Even if it has been years since a person has lost a certain someone, grief can come bubbling up. The arts are a perfect avenue…

The White Rose

The White Rose died on the very same day a sixth grader was a fatality in a nearby school shooting – a former teacher speaks on solutions.


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Teacher shares insights from traditional K-8 education. Additionally, she imparts healing resources for energetically regulating your health.

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